Friday 9 August 2013

Why should I go to confession?

"Why should I go to confession? My non-Catholic friends tell me they're forgiven by praying directly to God; Why aren't Catholics? And if I do have to go, how often?" This is a question I have been asked several times over the years by my non-catholic and non-christian friends. Confession is one of the least understood of the sacraments of the Catholic Church. In reconciling us to God, it is a great source of grace, and Catholics are encouraged to take advantage of it often.

To understand why confession is important for Catholics, let us first understand how the church look at this sacrament. Confession is the Sacrament of Penance, one of the seven sacraments recognized by the Catholic Church. Catholics believe that all of the sacraments were instituted by Jesus Christ himself. In the case of confession, that institution occurred on Easter Sunday, when Christ first appeared to the apostles after his Resurrection. Breathing on them, he said: "Receive the Holy Spirit. For those whose sin you forgive, they are forgiven; for those whose sins you retain, they are retained" (John 20: 22-23). You might be wondering what is the Sacraments mean to the Catholic Church. Sacraments are an outward sign of an inward grace. Since we are talking confession here, the outward sign is the absolution, or forgiveness of sins, that the priest grants to the penitent(the person confessing his/her sins); the inward grace is the reconciliation of the penitent to God.

The purpose of confession is to reconciling man to God. When we sin, we deprive ourselves of God's grace. And by doing so, we make it even easier to sin more. The only way out of this downward cycle is to acknowledge our sins, to repent of them, and to ask God's forgiveness. Then, in the Sacrament of confession, grace can be restored to our souls, and we can once again resist sin.

When we sins, we are not only hurting the relationship with God, it also injured the entire church-----------the body of Christ. I guess the first and biggest misconception we have seems to revolve around the idea that sin is somehow just about "me and God." However, we fail to recognized that humans are communal creatures and everything we do good or bad, reaches out and touches someone. Perhaps, the best analogy is to think of sin as a wild dog that we cut loose in a room full of people. Someone is going to get bitten and we have no control over that once the dog has gotten loose.

The most obvious example of this is in the basis of what we believe: We were all condemned by the sin of Adam and all saved by the obedience of Jesus. Beyond that, on a personal and practical level, let's think of how someone else's sin can change our day and the way we relate the rest of that day. We can look at the example of our lives. Just few years back, the high school where I studied before, we lost a student and his mom to a drunken driver. How tragic and horrible is that? The world was robbed on that day of gifts, talents and love of two beautiful human beings because of one man's sin. The effects of that are obvious.

Now, before we fall into any kind of self-righteous rage, how about our sins? How about gossip? That little tidbit you passed along to your friend about that guy or girl at your workplace? What were the effects of that? Do you ever wonder? Were there any positive ones? We even sometimes go so far as to try to call it something like "venting," so that it sounds healthy instead of sick. What a mess that can make! We've all been victims and we know how impossible gossip is to fight; yet we don't hesitate to pass along the bad news and our speculations about other people. The effects of just that one sin can really cause a world of damage and take people away from each other.

Using that example, we can see how that sin is never "just between God and me." It's between the wounded person, the whole world and me. The easiest response to this is to feel despair, but we've got good news that trumps all the bad. That is where confession comes into picture. God offers us a remedy and a beautiful one at that: The Sacrament of reconciliation. 

We go to reconciliation because we acknowledge that our sin is communal and God's mercy is boundless.He forgives us  for the horror that we inflict on his creation, whether we meant to or not. Not only that, but God offers it freely and with joy. Wow, awesome right?

Another great reason for us to go to the sacrament of reconciliation is because we are, ultimately, physical creatures. We were created with a need to see, to hear and to touch. I can sit here in my room and remind myself that I am forgiven, but when someone else, someone that I trust, someone representing Christ in the Church, tells me "God forgives you freely," there's some real power to that. We are all aware of our own ability to deceive ourselves, but the priest in the confessional has nothing to gain by lying to us about forgiveness. The conviction in his voice alone can, at times, be a big part of the healing.

As a personal testimony, I have to tell you that regular confession has changed my life. I'm learning more and more how deep the sin in my life goes. That sounds depressing or sad, but it's not. Connected to that knowledge is the realization that I am forgiven. More and more, I see that reconciliation is all about maintain my relationship with Jesus and allowing Him to remove everything that blocks me from receiving God's love.

So, with all that in mind, how often should you go? The church law is a little bit generous on this, so we'll have to look at it a couple ways. First of all, we are require to confess any serious sins at least once a year, so there is that. And it is recommended that we also confess our venial sins. But, beyond that, if we want to receive Holy Communion ( The Body and Blood of Christ), we need to make sure that if we have committed any mortal sins, first we need to go for confession.

Enjoy another day in God's presence!  Jesus loves you.

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