Wednesday 23 September 2015

Pray, Hope and Don't worry

Feast of St. Padre Pio

Recent events have had a shattering effect. Darkness looms all around. Rising prices, job insecurity, escalating religious tension, increased hostility and bigotry, ascending crime rate, rampant corruption- collectively paint an ominous future. And so many indeed have fallen into the mire of despondency and hopelessness, wondering whether the only option would be bail out of this country before it's too late. 
Today, the Church celebrates the Feast of St Pio of Petrelcina (better known as Padre Pio), who known for his suffering, humility and the stigmata (the wounds of Christ) that he bore in his body. The stigmata would remain with him through a succession of global conflicts. But not only were the conflicts to be borne by St. Pio outside the Church, the most painful conflict he endured was the rejection from within the Church, where some of the church officials denounced the priest and had him banned from public ministry. Yet, St. Pio accepted suffering as a form of prayer for peace. He endured all difficulties patiently and cheerfully, never speaking against the Church. He was fiercely loyal to the Church and to his superiors. One of His famous sayings, "Pray, Hope and don't worry" 
Perhaps, Today we may be in the midst of a difficult situation, we may be facing a problem that seems so huge. Today, we may be ready to give up in the face of failure. Today, we may feel that our voice cannot be heard because we are a minority living in the country controlled by others. Today, the darkness and evil of the world may seem so overwhelming that there appears to be no way out. Yet, today, on this feast of St. Pio, let us heed his advice to pray, to hope and not to be worried. These simple words from a priest who suffered immensely in his life is a very powerful light in our spiritual journeys. Once again we are reminded that the power of God is much greater than any of these things. Problems may threaten us from every angle, but problems cannot overcome us. 

St. Padre Pio, Pray for us! 

                                            Incorruptible body of St. Padre Pio 

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