Saturday 13 June 2015

Treasure and Ponder all things in your heart

Immaculate Heart of Mary

Traditionally, the feast of Immaculate Heart of Mary is celebrated following the feast of Sacred Heart of Jesus.The Immaculate Heart of Mary refers to the interior life of Mary- her joys and sorrows, her virtues and hidden perfections, and, above all, her virginal love for God the Father, her maternal love for her son Jesus, and her compassionate love for all people.  In Chapter 2 of St. Luke's gospel, the evangelist twice reports that Mary kept all things in her heart, that there she might ponder over them.

As we start with the new semester, we are given the example of Mary, Mother of God, who “treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart.” As an ex-Utarians, everyone is so busy with activities when it comes to the new semester (I'm guilty of it) and forget to follow the example of Mary to treasure and give thanks for all the things they received in the past and to ponder on where God is leading them. 

Today, let us take some time to reflect over the past. We are called to remember not only the good things that happen to us. If we remember these good experiences, let us thank God for them. But if we also remember painful and sad experiences, we should also thank God. God has been given you the strength to go through these experiences. The fact that you are here today means that God has not abandoned you inspite of the many difficulties which you have experienced.

The great philosopher, Socrates, once wrote: “An unreflected life is not worth living.” A person who does not pause once in a while to evaluate his life, to ponder on where he is going and where is God leading him, would soon find life burdensome. 

One needs to reflect on one’s life because it is only through reflection and prayer that we will understand God’s plan for us. Perhaps, we are not able to see clearly at this point of time. Perhaps, there are many uncertainties that lay in the future. But we believe that God is our constant guide. He continually speaks to us through the events of our lives. If we do not take time to pray and reflect, we will find ourselves moving from one activity to another, aimless and without purpose. It is only with prayer and reflect that we can come to recognize the presence of God even in our painful and difficult experiences.

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