Wednesday 29 May 2013

Most beautiful communication in the world

In this 21st century, we are busy chasing after wealth, career, different material things in our life. No doubt, we are material being. Material might be the greatest satisfaction for us, as a human being. But, do we ever consider our spiritual needs? You might look as big as a giant, but deep in your soul might be staving, which you can't see. Now, I wonder how many of you leave some space per day for prayer? Even a minute will do! To be frank, sometimes I fail to do that as well. Nevertheless, prayer is still important as part of my daily routine. Just like food, we need food to provide us energy to carry out our daily routine. Prayer and meditation to God, our creator is also our spiritual needs, which most of us might be longing to seek and find him. A beautiful statement mentioned by St. Augustine : ' You have made us for yourself, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.'' We call this longing for God--Religion. We can understand religion generally to mean a relationship to what is divine. A religious person acknowledges something divine as the power that created him and the world, on which he is dependent and to which he is ordered. He wants to please and honor the Divinity by his way of life. It is natural for man to seek God. All of our striving for truth and happiness is ultimately a search for the one who supports us absolutely, satisfies us absolutely, and employs us absolutely in his service. A person is not completely himself until he has found God. They [men] should seek God, in the hope that they might feel after him and find him. Yet he is not far from each one of us, for "In him we live and move and have our being." (Acts17: 27-28a)

So, what is the most important things that we one can satisfied our spiritual needs? The answer is just simple: Prayer! The church teach us that prayer is turning the heart toward God. When a person prays, he enters into a living relationship with God. Well, sometimes we have to acknowledge our human weaknesses. When we pray, we might feel that we are talking to ourselves. The reason behind it is simple : because we do not acknowledge God is there with us. Often, we think that we are speaking in the air, because we cannot see God. We do not know who are we talking to! Often, we prefer two ways communication instead of one way communication. We want immediate answer, we prefer immediate respond. I guess, this might be the reason of our human weaknesses that cause us not to pray, and find that prayer is bored! Consider this statement by Soren Kierkegaard saying " Praying does not mean listening to yourself speak; praying means calming down and being still and waiting until you hear God." What a beautiful statement, right? any clue or hints that you get from this statement?

Prayer is the great gate leading into faith. Someone who prays no longer lives on his own, for himself, and by his own strength. He knows there is a God to whom he can talk. People who pray entrust themselves more and more to God. Even now they seek union with the one whom they will encounter one day face to face. Therefore, the effort to pray daily is part of Christian life and prayer is a gift one obtains through prayer.

In this busy world, we tend to forget about God, we run away from him and hide. Whether or not we avoid thinking about God or sometimes we might deny him, he is always there for us. He seeks us before we seek him; he yearns for us, he calls us. You speak with your conscience and suddenly notice that you are speaking with God. You feel lonely, have no one to talk with, and then sense that God is always available to talk. You are in danger and experience that a cry for help is answered by God. Praying is as human breathing, eating and loving. Praying purifies. Praying makes it possible to resist temptations. Praying strengthen us in our weakness. Praying remove fear, increase energy, and gives a second wind. Praying makes one happy. 

At this point of time, you might be asking when should a person pray? From the earliest times, Christians have prayed at least in the morning, at meals, and in the evening. Someone who does not pray regularly will soon not pray at all.  Anyone who loves another person and all day long never gives that person a sign of his love does not really love him. So it is with God, too. Anyone who truly seeks him will keep sending him signals of his longing for his company and friendship. Now, we should get up in the morning and give the day to God, asking for his blessing and to be there in all your meetings and needs. Thank him, especially at mealtimes. At the end of the day, place everything into his hands, ask him for forgiveness, and pray for peace for yourself and others. A great day full of signs of life that reach God. 

To learn from Mary how to pray means to join her in prayer : Let it be done unto me according to your word". (LK 1:38).
Prayer is ultimately self-giving in response to God's love. If we say YES as Mary did, God has the opportunity to lead His life in our life. 

So, start your day with prayer today. Let God lead us in our life because prayer is the most beautiful communication with God. 

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